We've all heard it "she's really let herself go since having kids." The truth is, we haven't, our priorities have just changed.
I have my days while getting ready for work... my hairs thinning, my foundation is old and matches my summer complexion, not my pale winter complexion, & my jeans don't fit right at all. It's hard not to compare yourself when social media rules the world, and your co-worker who gets her nails & lashes done, always is stylish & gorg are all you see.
But I'm here to tell you STOP! Stop comparing, & stop worrying about what others think! Odds are, they don't realize that you willingly gave up those lashes, nails, fresh make-up, & clothes, to be the coolest thing ever, mom.
It amazes me, make-up, or no makeup on with blemishes like crazy, hair drenched in grease, my daughter still smiles at me & my husband still cat calls me no matter my "look" for the day. And honestly, that's all that matters.
You may have to use your old makeup until it runs dry so you can buy much more important things, like gas or toilet paper. Or you may have to wear your maternity jeans sometimes because you don't have the time or money to go buy a new pair, BUT IT'S OKAY. You won't remember that shit 10 years from now. But what you will remember, is the time spent with your kids & family.
& while you're comparing yourself to "that girl"... "that girl" may also be comparing her life to yours & what you may not know, is that she may envy you.