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Writer's pictureCollective Chaos

Happy Birthday Naomi! Maiya's Birth Story

Updated: Mar 25, 2019

April 30th, 2018 was Naomi’s due date - I did all of the “tricks & secrets” to go into labor, but this girl was stubborn!!

Naomi finally decided to come SIX days late - I was dying and miserable at this point - but also soooo ready and so excited to meet my baby GIRL! I got my epidural as soon as I arrived at the hospital Saturday night, I couldn’t feel any contractions until right before pushing her out, not to mention that her head was sideways, so getting her out was not an easy task, I pushed this baby out for 2 and a 1/2 hours!!

Finally our beautiful baby was born at 2:13pm on May 6th, 2018. I couldn’t wait to see her face; to see who she looked like. I couldn’t wait do the skin to skin time that everyone gets to do with their new, fresh, baby. And to get to kiss her nonstop after being inside of me the last 9 months. Well that’s not how it went, at all. I remember about halfway through pushing, I heard the midwife tell the nurse to take my temperature, I ended up developing a fever. I remember feeling scared - why are they whispering? Is my baby going to be ok? But then I remember telling myself to stay calm & to just keep pushing, because now I REALLY wanted her out.

As soon as Naomi was born, they placed her on my chest for a few seconds before taking her over to get weighed and measured. After that they let me hold her for 60 seconds, they literally had a stopwatch to time it, before they took her from me and took her to the NICU.

That was probably the hardest day of my entire life. I didn’t get to see her for a few hours after that, then they wheeled me down to see her for a few minutes before taking me up to my new room.

She ended up staying a week in the NICU, she developed an infection from my fever called Chorioamnionitis, and had to be treated with antibiotics. Although that was the hardest week for both my husband & I, we ended up having some really great learning experiences from all of the nurses in the NICU unit. They helped me SO much with breastfeeding, they helped us learn how to swaddle her & burp her, they helped her get on an amazing feeding & sleeping schedule, and they were always there to answer all of my ridiculous questions. And for that; I will be forever thankful.

We now have a healthy as can be - 10 month old, who has the funniest personality and the sweetest little soul. Even though her birth story didn’t go as I planned, I wouldn’t change it for a thing - we love our Naomi June!

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