Woosh, Woosh, Woosh... as if you're already going crazy.. the sound of your pump makes you even CRAZIER! I'm an exclusive pumper, so with my daughter almost 7 months old, I pump 4-5 times a day.. that's like 3-4 hours a day, depending on my output. I used to pump more, and I know other exclusive pumpers have to pump more than I, but no matter, how many times you have to pump a day, it's not easy!
Whether you're exclusive, or squeezing your sessions in between nursing (even more time consuming!), here are a few tips to make it easier!
1. Include water as one of your "parts"
I get so thirsty as soon as I turn my pump on.... like just woke up from a night of drinking, "I neeeeed waaaaaaaterrrrrrr"thirsty! Every, damn, time!
2. DO NOT count the minutes!
You will torture yourself! At first, I pumped by the minutes, usually about 30-40 minutes, but you see, not only does that make the time DRAG, but the time spent pumping depends on more on your output and if you are trying to gradually slow down or produce more.
3. Pumping bras are a must!
I don't use my pumping bra too often any more because it's hard to put on twice at work during the day and takes up an extra minute or two I could be pumping, so I'm used to using 1 hand to hold them, while I'm on my phone or computer.. HOWEVER, they are wonderful! When I'm at home and have to fold laundry, do some work on the computer, or sift through mail, etc. I bust it out and multi task. It also helps your back and posture! I do wear literally EVERY DAY, a nursing bra, that makes popping them out super simple! I wear a stretchy cami over it, so I don't have to expose my stomach too! Pull down the cami, and open your bra.
4. Seriously consider a hand pump
I know you think I'm crazy! I received one at the hospital on accident. My nurse went to grab a starter kit for the electric pump and accidentally opened it. I use it for a bunch of scenarios. At first, when my husband went back to work and Nicolina was only weeks old and didn't have a regular sleep schedule yet, I used my hand pump in bed so that if she woke up, I could get her a bottle without being "tethered." I also use it when traveling in the car, it's simple, half as many parts, and more discrete! When I was pumping more often, I also used it when we were out and about, or at friends and family's. It was too much to bring my electric pump, have all the parts, try to find an outlet, and stay included. I find, I can move around (although looking silly) and do things with one hand with the hand pump. I just throw a swaddle over the respective shoulder for some privacy. I've totally done simple chores like tidying while hand pumping!
5. Know the life of your milk
As a pumper dealing with storing milk, and knowing how long it's good for is important! Freshly pumped milk is good to sit out for 4-6 hours. This makes like simple, I keep out the freshly expressed milk until Nicolina wants it! Then when I pump next, I'll put any extra milk in the fridge. Usually she'll take one of my bottles out of two expressed (6 oz out of about 11oz), but on some piggy days, she'll house both within my break from pumping. Milk in the fridge is good for about 5 days, any longer put in the freezer! In a normal refrigerator freezer, milk is good for about 3 months and even longer in a deep freezer!
6. Use Pumping storage bags
At first I just always used my Medela pumping bottles & those long skinny bottles, but I they got to be WAY TOO much to deal with when I started back to work. I also realized, that I was not making it easier on myself when the hubby took me out of town for my birthday to see a concert. I packed almost ALL of these damn plastic bottles because I didn't know how many I would need! The bags make labeling, storing and transporting so much simpler! I use the up&up bags from Target.
7. You won't always have to use nipple cream and pads
I promise! Around 4-5 months I stopped using the pads. Obviously I used them to prevent leaking all over my shirt or bra, but my nipples were also very sensitive to touch my bra the first couple months, the disposable pads were much more comfortable. I never used actual nipple cream, because the hospital loaded me up with vasaline! But I'm telling you, the sore, cracky nipples stop eventually.
7. Clogged up? Use diapers YES DIAPERS!
Omg mama, do I feel you on this one. I haven't been clogged in a long time, but it's so painful, not to mention scary! To unclog, I would shower before my night pumps, but in between, I would fill a diaper with water and roll it up, then pop it in the microwave for 10 seconds, you can add 5 seconds at a time to get warmer if need be! Then I put the diapers on my clogged area(s) for a few minutes before pumping and keep them on after I have started. Massage the spot too, I know it hurts! At first, I used the lansinoh hot/cold packs but they literally stayed warm for like a minute. I do use them to freeze however, and put them on the spot after pumping to keep the inflammation and pain down though! This made a difference for me, the hot/cold combo!
8. Don't get frustrated at your significant other for "not understanding"
Unfortunately, I do this a lot. I get so frustrated sometimes because I feel like he doesn't understand... but the thing is, he doesn't, but it's not his fault. He sees how many times I pump, he's thankful for what I do, but it frustrates him too because he can't help me out in this aspect. Of course, he'll offer to wash my parts sometimes when I'm exhausted, or ask if I need something to drink and this is all great, but sometimes you just need to talk to some one who gets it... luckily I have Maiya to discuss all the painful, annoying, satisfying, and funny breastfeeding/ pumping topics. So please DO NOT hesitate to shoot us a message just to talk or to ask questions!
10. Buy extra parts
Life got a little simpler after getting extra parts. If I'm too tired to wash my parts, I'll throw the bin (keep the bin the hospital gives you, I still use it 7 months later for washing and collecting all dirty bottles left around the living room) into the fridge and wash the parts when I wash after my next session.
11. It gets easier!
So many times have I wanted to quit! "I can't do this anymore" has come out of my mouth many times in these almost 7 months, but Nicolina kept me going. I can tell you mama, it get's easier. It's still hard, really hard, but you figure out ways to make it easier, the engorging will subside, and it will become a lifestyle. Join a pumping Facebook group, or reach out to us for ANYTHING. It helps to talk to someone who gets it!
Message us for any questions or comments, join our Facebook group for discussions on anything breastfeeding and pumping so our community of moms can support you too! We'd love to hear your tips and tricks too as there are many aspects of pumping!