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Every Mom Has Their Super Power

Writer's picture: Collective ChaosCollective Chaos

Moms today, in our society are expected to do & be a lot. But the reality of it is, it's just not realistic.

Everyday I hold myself to expectations that almost always are not fulfilled. I definitely think social media sets this unrealistic tone of life. There aren't enough hours of the day or dollars in the bank to be able to live up to these expectations.

What we need to do is stop focusing on what we didn't do, what we can't do, what we will never be able to do, & focus on what we did do & what we can do.

Unable to conceive or had a miscarriage? Your super power is being so incredibly strong when you want to just give up. Having to deal with the reality of this everywhere you go, seeing families together, hearing babies cry... you are so strong in these moments.

Unable to breastfeed but want to? Your super power is being able to overcome an obstacle with grace & solving the problem by doing what you gotta do. You're a momma that will do whatever it takes.

Stay at home mom? Your super power is multi tasking like a boss. 24/7 you care for your children, while tackling endless loads of laundry, dishes, sweeping the floors & vacuuming the carpets, not to mention al the small mundane tasks that go un-noticed. Mama I see you.

Working mom? Your super power is prioritizing. You walk in the door from work to dog shit on the carpet, the dishes are piled up, things everywhere, but the kids need fed. You are a master at prioritizing the order of which these get knocked out & having to choose which one you may try to tackle tomorrow... let's just hope it's not the dog shit in the corner.

Single Mom? You super power is being independent as f*%# and doing the damn thing. You are mom & dad and you master it. The days are long, and not ever easy, but you are doing everything for your kids selflessly. And yes, one day they will know this.

Find your super power and be proud of it Mom!


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